We usually try to make some point about the industry in these posts (as well as post them regularly so it doesn't look like every other company blog that is enthusiastically started and then forgotten), but today happens to be the 8th birthday for Admerix and we are celebrating this week.
Back in 2005 a group of experts from some of the largest localization companies banded together to put service and personalized service first.
Even back then the idea was going around that software workflow systems were going replace project managers and the need to communicate with clients. The dream that machine translation could soon replace human translators was being touted by some startup companies. This was all part of the idea that localization companies could charge big money to end clients while no longer having to pay project managers or linguists. And interestingly, both of these visions are still being touted today. But we still don't believe a word of it... :)
Over the years Admerix has worked hard to become a recognized industry leader by cementing our reputation as a production house (and not one of the many industry middlemen for translation). We continue to be a company of hard-working localization professionals who continually fine tune our ability to foresee challenges on projects.
At the end of the day all our project managers, engineers and subject specialists keep in mind what they can offer. Does the client feel confident that we can sort of the challenges of complex and technical localization projects? Are they able to leave their office on time every Friday confident Admerix is on the case with handling every new last minute edit their boss causally tosses into the mix?
This is the strength of real people handling projects. This is the strength and the reliability of Admerix. After 8 years we are proud to improve on what have built and continue providing first class service and the confidence that makes project manager around the world choose Admerix.
Back in 2005 a group of experts from some of the largest localization companies banded together to put service and personalized service first.
Even back then the idea was going around that software workflow systems were going replace project managers and the need to communicate with clients. The dream that machine translation could soon replace human translators was being touted by some startup companies. This was all part of the idea that localization companies could charge big money to end clients while no longer having to pay project managers or linguists. And interestingly, both of these visions are still being touted today. But we still don't believe a word of it... :)
Over the years Admerix has worked hard to become a recognized industry leader by cementing our reputation as a production house (and not one of the many industry middlemen for translation). We continue to be a company of hard-working localization professionals who continually fine tune our ability to foresee challenges on projects.
At the end of the day all our project managers, engineers and subject specialists keep in mind what they can offer. Does the client feel confident that we can sort of the challenges of complex and technical localization projects? Are they able to leave their office on time every Friday confident Admerix is on the case with handling every new last minute edit their boss causally tosses into the mix?
This is the strength of real people handling projects. This is the strength and the reliability of Admerix. After 8 years we are proud to improve on what have built and continue providing first class service and the confidence that makes project manager around the world choose Admerix.